How should a website be done?
Website. Maybe you are planning to have your first website or you need a new better one? In any case you should know some of the basics about web design.
First of all your website is the core of your marketing activities. All marketing channels like Social Media, Email Marketing, SEO and Offline Marketing focus to bring visitors to your website. Your website’s purpose is to convert these visitors to customers. In marketing terms this is called “Conversion”. Bad website will basically cause you to waste money in other marketing tools because you don’t need more visitors if your website can’t convert them to customers. So better your website more visitors will turn to customers.
In website design industry there are lots of people call themselves “web designers” with a little HTML knowledge.Ā They can even use DIY website builders. They can quickly build you a website full of information and photos. But the question is: Is that the way to convert visitors into to customers? Is that what your company needs?Ā NO. You have to look for someone serious about web design.
@iGlobalWeb we follow the 9 Steps Web Design Process:
Step 1: Analysis
- Website Purpose
- Website Goals
- Target
Step 2: Planning
- Website Structure
- Sitemap/Pages
- Technologies Needed
Step 3: Design
- Visual Style
- User-Interface / User Experience
- Colors/Fonts
Step 4: Content
- Context
- Photos/ Videos
- Search engine optimization (SEO)
Step 5: Development
- HTML / CCS Coding
- Databases
- PHP Coding
Step 6: Revision
- Changes
Step 7: Testing
- Technical Testing (Error-FREE)
- Browser & Device Compatibility
Step 8: Deployment
- Website goes Alive.
Step 9: Control
- Monitoring
- Bug Fixes
- Website Health Check
- Maintenance
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