Transferring your Squarespace domain to iGlobalWeb

domain transfer from squarespace

You can transfer a Squarespace Domain to iGlobalWeb if it’s been at least 60 days since it was registered. The total process can take up to seven business days to complete.

  1. Depending on your plan:
  • In the Home Menu, click Settings, and then click Domains.
  • In the Home Menu, click Domains.

You can also press the ? key while any panel is open and search “domains.”

  1. Click the domain you want to transfer.
  2. Scroll down and uncheck Lock Domain. If your new provider requires you to make your Whois information public, you can also disable Whois privacy in this panel.
  3. Click the Get Transfer Key button that appears below.
  4. Copy the transfer key that appears.
  5. Send your transfer key to iGlobalWeb.


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